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Science Settled Politics Disrupted

Peter Francis Fenwick

President Trump has announced that the US will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Relax. Do not slit your wrists.

There is increasing scientific evidence that the climate change alarm has been exaggerated. But do not take my word for it. Do your own research. Google the answers to the following questions:

  1. How much carbon has been released to the atmosphere from the consumption of fossil fuels? How much has the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere increased in the past 20 years? How does that compare to the previous 100 years?

  2. How much has the global average temperature increased in the past 20 years? How does that compare to the previous 100 years? (Hint: Look at both surface and satellite readings and do take account of El Nino.)

  3. How much has the global sea level risen in the past 20 years? How does that compare to the previous 100 years?

  4. How much has the Arctic Ice declined in the past 20 years? How does that compare to the previous 100 years?

  5. Are the polar bears extinct?

  6. What has been the impact of increased CO2 on agricultural production and food quality in the past 20 years? (Hint: Refer Ranga Myneni of Boston University)

Maybe the problem is not as critical as we have been led to believe. Maybe it is not the great moral challenge of our generation. Why then has it been pursued with so much passion?

Naomi Klein said that climate change was a heaven-sent opportunity to destroy capitalism forever. Maybe that is a partial explanation.

Finally, do read Clive James’ essay Climate Alarmists Will Play It Cool in the Weekend Australian June 3-4, 2017. It is beautifully written, witty and comprehensive.

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